Shalom, I’m Lisa. Israel changed my life. It took the big stories of the bible and made them leap from the pages into my heart. Israel is a transforming place of pilgrimage, but it is also a land of incredible energy, a modern miracle and something every person of faith should experience. I want to inspire others to discover the Israel that endears the heart of God, the Israel I love.
It’s all in the small details and creating an itinerary that gives an authentic experience that enhances the essence of Israel – its spirituality, earthiness, tenacity and “can do” spirit. Weaving together such a trip, that marks lasting impressions which cultivate faith, joy, purpose and connection, is my calling.
My first international trip was at five, when my mom bought a VW Bus in Germany, toured Europe, and shipped it back to California. Since that time, I have been an explorer!
Polly Grimes, my adventurous mother, gospel music pioneer and promoter, also took me to Israel which changed my life at an early age.
After high school, I convinced friends from my beach city in California, to backpack through Israel with me. My first organized tour! For many years, I worked side-by-side with my mother promoting concerts and organizing tours to Israel and Europe.
My continued passion led me to work as Public Relations Director for the Israel Government Tourist Office for the Western U.S.A. for 10 years, and to marry my Israeli husband from the Galilee mountains. We have two daughters who graduated university in Israel and continue to live there.
I would love to share with you, the places of the Bible, the beauty of Israel and help enhance the inspiration of this timeless land through story-telling, veering off the beaten path, cultural exchange and authentically getting to know the Israel of the past, present and future.
Every visit to Israel proves to be a muse, an inspiration blast that challenges me to dig deeper into the Scriptures and inspires me to live a fuller and better life. It would me a privilege for me to create a memorable trip for you, your church, bible study group, friends or family. I am here to make this an easy and wonderful planning experience.